Tuesday 15 November 2011

1st Ever blog. Musings on a Mo

Hello. Thought I would start writing a blog to give me something to do in my free time, instead of wasting it sitting on the sofa and forgetting to do jobs I'm asked to do around the house. This is my first attempt at a blog so bear with me, I hope it will be a least semi-interesting!

Lets start with the fact that it's currently Movember !
For those who don't know this is basically growing stupid facial hair for the month of November to raise money for research into male cancers. I first did this 2 years ago and raised a fair bit so thought I would do it again this year, however I'm not sure I shall do it again.
Not because it isn't a good cause or that it doesn't raise money but because I have come to know it as NO-NO-NO-vember, No kisses, No snogs and No sex!
My wife thinks I look ridiculous and that I'm so spiky with a silly tash that even kissing is totally out of the question, and it seems she is not the only one. My colleagues wives have taken the view that husbands who look like fighter pilots, D'artagnan and Magnum PI are not sexy. Maybe Tashes are best left in old photos or on Tom Sellecks face? Views please.
Secondly, it has come to my attention, that one of colleagues looks distinctly like a Chickaboo , a cuddly 80's monkey like kids toys, with rosie cheeks and a little brown button nose. He's not too pleased to be called Chickaboo and  is distinctly less pleased when we point it out to people. This got me thinking, how many people out there have friends/colleagues or acquaintances who look like toys, action figures, cartoon characters or kids T.V characters?
There must be a couple of Burt and Ernie's out there somewhere, sitting in an office having a pseudo-gay relationship across the desk from one another, maybe the odd Raggy Doll look alike, sitting sad and forlorn in a local post office perhaps. I'm particularly interested to find a Cheetara, Thundercats lookalike, though my wife isn't so keen on me finding one ;-)

and finally:

As New York clears out its Occupy protesters from Zuccotti park, it got me paying a bit more attention to my local protesters. I noticed they have a poster which reads "WORKING FOR A FAIRER WORLD", but then I noticed, if you are camping out for over 2 months to protest against social inequalities and capitalism, you clearly ain't working!

So 1st blog done, and hopefully more to follow in a similar vein, let me know if you like it.

Mouse Door and Beer


  1. I think Tom Selleck is the only man alive to look sexy with a moustache! I still think your missus is being a bit mean not even kissing you though (sorry bestie!) x

  2. I'm getting small lip kisses but no more can be expected with my spikey lip catapiller in tow
