Sunday 11 December 2011

Geek Chic

After finding myself at a loose end one afternoon, I decided to watch some Big Bang Theory which got me thinking about 'the geek'.

After a few episodes I started to wonder whether the show has done wonders for the world of geek-dom or just perpetuated the ever present notion that geeks are not cool. O.k so we've all watched Beauty and the Geek right, right? Blokes out there, you have right? (wonders if he's be duped by the wife again). Most of us have also heard of  Heat's 'weird crush' Professor Brian Cox now, with his youthful looks and ex-pop star status. So is the world of'the geek' becoming an easier place?

I was never a full blown 'geek' at school but studying and passing exams at a city school where cigarettes, stealing magnesium from science class and being 'hard' were status symbols, I wasn't without ridicule either. But as I got older and entered the real world outside school I noticed I was more accepted and just 'normal'.

But what of the 'super geeks' of this world, the Sheldon Coopers and the Leonard Hofstadter's, is life easier for them now their image has been given the mainstream T.V treatment? Comic-con seems to be becoming ever more popular and the Marvel and DC heroes are ending up gracing the big screen ever more readily.

Science seems to be taking a forefront along with technology as we forge into the Smartphone era and TV seems to be documentary, after series, after examination of the world, from every possible perspective.

So a question for you, are the T.V shows helping to carve a new place in the world for the 'geek' or just indicating to the bullies of the world who to beat up in the future?

Incidentally I'd love to have a mind like Sheldons', and a girlfriend like Penny but I'm not so sure girls like Penny would want me, though my gorgeous wife knows I'm a bit of a sado and she's still here!

Mouse Door and Beer

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